What A Difference A Day Makes.

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Could you watch this all day? We could. You might be asking what this is. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the face of pure, adulterated joy. Damp joy. Soaking wet joy. Exhausted joy. But joy none-the-less. What was the cause of this joy? A hose. Some squirrels. A hike. A car ride. Hours and hours of uninterrupted people time. For … Read More

Scrub Wearing Human Tornadoes Skip Lunch, Save Lives.

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As far as abandonment go it was an innocuous one. Instead of a pet, two forlorn sandwiches sat forgotten on the lunch table. Besides them two containers of soup were rapidly cooling. Meanwhile, back in cat triage, this was happening: You guessed correctly – it was a kitten.  Kitten. Or to be more accurate, about 34 of them. Some strays, … Read More

The Kitten That Almost Wasn’t.

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This is Britney. She’s named after Britney Spears. More on that later. Can you get the laser pointer out now? I’m bored. She’s friendly, outgoing, a laser pointer addict – a pretty awesome kitten. Sure, she dances a bit when she walks but it’s not a big deal. And no, it’s not why she’s named after Britney Spears. Kitten does … Read More

The Difficult Process of Kitten Building


Kittens are cute, right? Bask in our ridiculous adorableness.  Adorable. Fluffy. So playful. Unfortunately we have to burst the kitten bubble. We have to tell you honestly: they don’t start out that way. We don’t want to say that they start out homely but… We’re sure he has a great personality.  An enormous amount of work goes into building the … Read More

Four Reasons Our Medical Staff Kicks Butt.

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#1) No Teeth, No Problem. Check out my three toofers. In case you haven’t noticed, we get a lot of wee little dogs. Small dogs tend to have big dental problems – everything is just crowded too close together in those tiny little mouths. So a lot of our smaller muffins come in with painful dental issues….. She’s got too … Read More