The Cecilia Claudio Spay and Neuter Programs

The Cecilia Claudio Spay and Neuter Programs are named in honor of Cecilia Claudio, who has been an HSSV supporter since 2000 and was an early proponent of Trap Neuter and Return (TNR) programs for community cats in Silicon Valley. Cecilia inspired HSSV to launch its TNR programs when we were still at our old campus on Lafayette and Martin in Santa Clara. She was CIO at Align Technology, across the street from our old facility and Align had its own colony of community cats.

Though Cecilia currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, her support of HSSV has not waned – nor has her love of all vulnerable animals. We want to thank and acknowledge Cecilia’s generosity and for elevating HSSV’s Spay and Neuter programs.

Large Dog Spay/Neuter Program

We are offering spay/neuter surgeries to large dogs 50lbs and over, or large breed puppies whose adult weight will be 50lbs or over, in select zip codes.

How to Qualify

  • The owners must reside in zip codes 95111, 95112, 95113, 95116, 95122, 95127, or 95035 and must present proof of residency at time of service (e.g. utility bill, driver’s license)
  • Your canine must be 50lbs and over or your puppy is determined to be a large breed dog based on current weight. This will be verified by medical staff
  • Please complete the entire form, including items marked “optional.” Be sure to include your name, email, phone number, zip code, your dog’s name, and your dog’s breed. Requests that are incomplete or missing this information will not be accepted.
  • If you have a Doberman Pinscher, please reach out to HSSV prior to scheduling an appointment.

Additional Programs

Looking to spay or neuter your rabbit? Visit one of these veterinary clinics:

Vaccinations & Microchipping

Our vaccine clinic is open by appointment! During our vaccine hours at our medical center, we offer vaccinations, deworming, and microchipping services on an appointment-only basis.

Location: 901 Ames Avenue Milpitas, CA 95035.    List of Services offered

Days and Times:

  • Wednesdays 9 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.
  • Fridays 9 a.m. – 2:55 p.m.
  • Saturdays 8:20 a.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Request an Appointment