People are just awesome. Can we all just stop for a minute and realize that? People are fan-flippin-tastic. You guys are awesome. Bridget (AKA Queen Sucker) is awesome. Our vet staff is awesome. And most of all, Connie is awesome.
We’ll get to Connie. We just needed to have a group hug first. But remember Methuselah?

What’th up?
Thusie for short. Which is pretty apropos as it sounds like ‘Susie’ if pronounced with your tongue sticking four inches out of your mouth.
Anyhoo, Thusie, our three-days-older-than-the-earth but lovely, happy, blind little pooch, got adopted by Connie. Who we’re pretty sure is the best person EVER.
This is Connie, her other dog Murphy, Bridget and Thusie the day she went home.

It’th my family!
We’re pretty sure Murphy and Thusie are soulmates.

It’th love. Thoulmates.
But wait, there’s more: Thusie is joining a whole family of pooches that are just like her.

There’th an army of uth.
Connie’s house is full of amazing special needs chihuahuas. They all roll together in Connie’s Fiat. And yes, several of them are missing legs.
We could not be happier. If you ever want to believe in the goodness of people, hang out at an animal shelter.
Speaking of goodness, that brings us to our second update: Development Director Bridget AKA Queen Sucker. If you forgot, Bridget is also an angel to our special needs kids. She was fostering Thusie but also has two dogs and two cats of her own. Between her four pets there fifteen legs and five eyes. Do the math on that.

Hint: we have two eyes and seven legs between us. And we’re half the herd.
We were pushing really hard to find Thusie a home because Bridget’s special brand of fostering was in particular need for another dog coming in.
Wait for it.
Wait for it…

No eyes, no problem. Can I have a cookie?
Yup. That’s Coffee. The world’s happiest, most exuberant blind dog. She came to us missing one eye and blind in the other. Because the remaining eye was horribly painful it had to be removed. She was happy before the eye was removed. Now she’s perpetually ecstatic.
That brings the count in Bridget’s house to three dogs and two cats, with a sum total of nineteen legs and five eyes between them.
Did we mention people are awesome? Coffee already has several suitors and is headed out tomorrow.
Aaaaand you forgot to mention I got adopted too. So dog-centric…
So to wrap up:
People are awesome.
Thusie is living happily ever after with the best person ever.
Coffee is pain free and headed to a forever home.
As for Bridget, her pets-to-limbs/eyes ratio isn’t going to improve any time soon. There’s a tiny chihuahua that came in with severe glaucoma…