Myths and Truths About Puppyhood

hssvAdopt, Dogs

In honor of National Puppy Day, we thought we’d give a little insight to the realities of puppyhood. Are puppies downright adorable? Yes, so much so that it seems like it should be illegal to hold that much cuteness in one body. Are they tiny whirlwinds of pure havoc and chaos? No doubt. Read on and see if you can … Read More

A Cure for the Dreaded Time Change

hssvAdopt, Cats

It’s Daylight Savings time – in other words, the time of the year when we all get a little crankier, but also feel a small twinge of delight. It’s staying lighter later into the day (great) and feels like summer’s coming (double great). But there’s that dreaded lost hour of sleep, which makes us feel something like this: Don’t wake … Read More

Awesome Future Veterinarian in the Making!


This week we’re featuring a guest blog written by Arushi Saurabh, an awesome and compassionate kid who is well on her way to taking the world by storm. Arushi came to visit HSSV, and wrote all about what she learned about animal behavior! Arushi and one of our behavior specialists, Jessica “In December, I went to the Humane Society of … Read More

The Ron Swanson of HSSV

hssvAdopt, Cats

Ever met someone that’s a little…standoffish at first? That’s Whiskey. He doesn’t tend to make a great first impression. He can be grumpy, and would prefer not to be bothered with your petty issues. But he does have a softer side. After a while, he starts to open up – in his way, of course. He reserves his best side … Read More

Naked Nuggets Descend in Droves!

hssvAdopt, Dogs

They came, regal and hairless, like a band of naked mole rats with only slightly more dignity. Excuse me? Dignity is my middle name.   This group of nude canines needed to make a point. Yes, tell them.   Their message? Bald is Beautiful.   Nailed it.    In all seriousness, these bare babes came from a hoarding case. We … Read More

The Most Interesting Dog in the World

hssvAdopt, Dogs

He could disarm you with his looks…or his paws. I call this my “blue steel.” He has inside jokes with complete strangers. The jokes! You’re killin’ me! I’m killin’ me!   He once ran a marathon because it was “on his way.”  What can I say? I’m an opportunist.   Marcel is the most interesting dog in the world.  He’s … Read More

The Official Sarah Armes Cute-O-Meter.

hssvAdopt, Cats, Dogs

This is Sarah. She works in our Development Department as a Campaign Manager. Ruth Vader Ginsburg. She usually doesn’t dress like this but, you know, Halloween was this week. So there you go. Yes, there we go. And make Halloween stay gone until next year.  Anyhoo, as you might have noticed we tell a lot of stories here at HSSV. … Read More

The Skinny On Model Shelter: Where The Rubber Meets The Road


You probably have questions. We keep talking about this Model Shelter thing. What is a Model Shelter? Why are we so proud to be the first Model Shelter in the country? What does this have to do with all the fuzznuggets and snugglemuffins you guys are so used to seeing on our social media?   Aforementioned poopies/snugglemuffins. Relax, friends. We … Read More

A Big Blog: A Rundown On A Big Week And A Big, Big Ask.


We need to ask you for some favors right now. Before we do, we’ll explain why we need them. Just follow us here for a second. This is Tiffanie. Tiffanie, though you wouldn’t know it to look at her, is having a pretty rough week. I still like cookies, though. So that’s something. On Saturday morning, she was in New … Read More

Looking For The Helpers

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This isn’t our usual kind of blog but this hasn’t been a usual kind of week, either. It seems important, after the news of the past week, to remember how overwhelmingly much good there is out there. So we have some really good news for you today: people are awesome. People are awesome and wonderful in big ways and small … Read More