The 2 Kong-High Club

hssvDogsLeave a Comment

We need to put a shout-out for the Littles. The Smalls. The Minis.
The 2 Kong-High Club, as we know them.
Isn’t that name a little…on the nose? Get it? The Kong is literally ON MY NOSE!
Members of the 2 Kong-High Club are natural comedians. They have a great sense of humor, and will even laugh at your jokes. Not that we’re suggesting your jokes aren’t funny. Because we’re sure they are.
dog winking
Mhm. Hilarious.
The members of the 2 Kong-High Club are portable. They can go almost anywhere with you, and in a place like the Bay Area, that’s a pretty sweet deal.
Penelope and kong
If I fits, I sits. And I want to sits on your lap.
They’re also perfectly lap-sized – they’re totally made for the snuglife. And boy, do they love the snuggles.
2 dogs
Look, we even fits on this lap together.
And sure, big dogs have a reputation for their fun energy levels – they run, they hike, they go on all the adventures. But give the little guys some credit. 2-Kong High Dogs are full of adventurous spirit. They’re curious, smart, and love to explore the world around them.
Sparky and kong
The world is my oyster! Let’s go!
And while the members of this particular club have some things in common, (refer to the name again, people. Hint hint, the thing they have in common is their height) these miniature beans come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, breeds, and personality traits.
Capone and kong
We come in as many different varieties as cheese does. Mmmmm cheese.
Bay Area real estate, as we’re sure you’re more than aware, is a nightmare. But lucky for you apartment dwellers, the 2 Kong-High Club make perfect apartment buddies. And if you are so fortunate to have a little extra space, 2 Kong-High Club kids love to have a friend. Take two, they’re small!
dog and kong
Got a pad to crash in? I’m in need of one.
Small dudes can be the perfect little pals. If you’ve been looking for a dog but haven’t considered one of the smalls, take a look again. They’re fun, adventurous, sweet dogs. All in a compact package.
Ally and kong
Interested in meeting a few of these club members? Now’s the time. We’re chock-full of these vertically-challenged little guys. So come in, take a look around, and bring your Kongs. You’ll be able to spot these exclusive 2 Kong-High Club members right away.
dog and kong

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