Reaching New Heights of Cute

Josephine TempongkoDogs, News, Volunteers11 Comments

The chorus of puppy cries and barks could be heard clear across the building. There were over a dozen puppies being temporarily housed in wire crates in one of the classrooms at our Milpitas Animal Community Center, waiting to be examined and given vaccines by our veterinary technicians, who had set up a makeshift exam room in the classroom. It was the only room at our ACC that was large enough to house all 14 puppies who had just flown in earlier that afternoon.

Their story started more than a week earlier. A rescue in Colorado situated on a reservation was overflowing with puppies. They had reached out to local shelters and rescues for help, but many of the puppies had medical issues, and no one had the resources to help at that time. So the rescue got creative, and cast a wider net to look for help outside their area. We got the call.

We knew we wanted to help, but how could we transport 14 puppies over a thousand miles across four states?

One of our incredible donors stepped up. He had access to a plane, and offered it to us so that we could help. Operation “Puppies on a Plane” was a go.

The plane landed at a nearby airport, where our rescue team was waiting to load them into our transport van and bring them to our Animal Community Center. Meanwhile, the team back at the ACC had set up the makeshift exam room and were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the puppies.

The puppies arrived, and our medical team got to work.

Each puppy was examined, weighed, microchipped, given their vaccines, and started on any medications needed.

Some of the puppies were very sick and would need to be monitored and cared for by our medical staff. Others had minor medical issues and were sent to foster homes for a few days to finish recovering. Each one of the 14 puppies received the medical care they needed. Once they were healthy again, they were placed up for adoption and found loving homes.

This opportunity was made possible thanks to the incredible support of our community. Thanks to all those who donate, foster, and adopt, we had the resources we needed to say yes to a group of very special puppies who needed us.

To help us continue to save puppies in need, donate today. And if you haven’t already, sign up for our eNewsletter to get stories like these delivered straight to your inbox!

11 Comments on “Reaching New Heights of Cute”

  1. As Samuel L. Jackson might have said, “I am thrilled with these gosh-darned puppies on this gosh-darned plane!”

  2. So very cool, this story rocks! I only wish to have been one of the recipients of one of those adorable creatures..

    Thank you to the team and all who participated in the rescue mission, St. Francis of Assisi is surely reserving a good space for ya”all!

  3. Great News! Adorable puppies!! We may be considering adopting another doggy for our pup, she’s lonely sometimes. We work from home so pups are never left alone.

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