We have a story to tell. It’s about mama dogs, puppies, and some amazing humans. A few months ago, something started happening. We started getting lots of calls asking if we could take in pregnant mama dogs. But mamas and pups need to go into foster and stay there until their pups are about 8 weeks old. So we reached out … Read More
The Rock Stars of HSSV
We need to talk about the rock stars of HSSV for a minute. No, not that kind of rock star. We’re talking about our medical team – the constantly-in-motion, never-stopping, hearts as big-as-planets medical team. Yes, these kinds of rock stars. Our medical team functions as the Renaissance Men of the organization – they can (and do) excel at many … Read More
The Chis Plate of HSSV
Chi1 CHē noun noun: chi; plural noun: chis 1. a small dog, often with some physical similarities to a Chihuahua “Chi-mix” often lap-sized “lap-dog” may feel most comfortable in a small groups of dogs of similar-sized dogs “pack of Chis” We see a lot of Chis around here. And while you might be thinking of hoards of small, tan Chihuahuas … Read More
The 2 Kong-High Club
We need to put a shout-out for the Littles. The Smalls. The Minis. The 2 Kong-High Club, as we know them. Isn’t that name a little…on the nose? Get it? The Kong is literally ON MY NOSE! Members of the 2 Kong-High Club are natural comedians. They have a great sense of humor, and will even laugh at your … Read More
Shark Week, Puppy and Kitten Style
Baby animals of a certain age are adorable. Fluffy. Heart-melting. They’re also basically sharks. Adopting a puppy or kitten is like having full-time Shark Week. Hear us out. Are those fingers? Tasty. Puppies and kittens are full of angelic goodness. They’re also full of razor sharp teeth. I know not what you speak of. Teeth? I do not haz. … Read More
The Great 2018 Puppy Invasion
You may have noticed a new trend around here: The puppies have multiplied. Who, us? For the past few months, puppies have been raining down on us. And in the last few weeks, that’s turned into a total downpour. First, there was the litter of adorbs meatball pups who came in with a nasty case of Parvovirus. Does this towel … Read More
The Happy Pooch Maker
So here’s the thing. We love happy pooches. Like me? Yes, Lila, you are the epitome of happy. We get a lot of happy dogs here – dogs who do great during their time with us, get adopted quickly, and go on to live happy, awesome lives. I like this story. Yep, it’s a pretty good story. But here’s the … Read More
A Positive End to A Difficult Week
For some of us, it’s been a long, hard week. When the news cycle just keeps throwing bad news after bad news at you, it can be hard to remember what it’s like to see good, positive things. So that’s where we come in. This week is yucky, blech! We’re here to provide you with just a few moments of … Read More
The Serial Grass-Roller
Luna Loo has been with us looking for a home for a little more than a hot second, and we’ve started to notice something about her. Is it dat I’m really, really, really, ridiculously good looking? No, it’s not that she’s dog-gone gorgeous (we would say no pun intended…but it was intended. It really, really was. You’re welcome.). Although she … Read More
A Pajama Party and a “Please”
We need to talk about this “big dogs in pajamas thing.” These things are pretty comfy. Last week, we dressed up a couple of our biggest, snuggliest pooches in pajamas and hosted a two-day pajama party. And you all ate it up. You loved it, and we loved you for it. If we could, we would look at you … Read More