Arya, a five-month-old kitten was transferred into HSSV from the San Jose Animal Care Center. She was significantly underweight, anemic, and almost fully blind, not tracking any movement around her and only reacting to objects less than an inch from her nose. She was immediately treated with supportive care by our Medical team and placed in a loving foster home to help her gain weight.
Arya’s foster patiently tended to her needs and diligently monitored her for potential neurological disorders. Shortly into foster care, Arya began to have focal seizures. Our medical team quickly ran multiple tests that all came back normal. They prescribed antibiotics, suspecting possible infection in the little kitty’s brain. After just 30 hours on antibiotics, Arya’s seizure subsided, and she started tracking movements well. She had since regained full vision, moved around with confidence, played with toys actively, and started acting like a normal kitten!
After spending a month decompressing and healing in a wonderful foster home, Arya was ready for adoption. Within just a few hours of hitting the adoption floor, the pretty girl was scooped up by a family committed to monitoring her condition and providing continued medical care as needed. Arya sure did fight an arduous battle, but she emerged a survivor, and how! Now she’s all set to be pampered by her family like the little princess she truly is.