Kate and Cora Rescued Each Other

Josephine TempongkoSaving Lives5 Comments

Kate shares how she and HSSV Alum Cora transformed each others’ lives and became a positive force in their community.


“My family walked into HSSV in 2013 not entirely sure what to expect. We had had two previous shepherd mixes, but this was our first time adopting from a shelter. None of the dogs we initially met resonated with us, but one of the adoption counselors heard that we were looking for another shepherd mix and told us that she might have the perfect dog for us.”

Cora when she first arrived at HSSV

“Cora, a (then) 18-month-old black German Shepherd, came bounding out of her kennel to meet us and we spent the next 30 minutes playing fetch with her before agreeing that she was the one. We brought Cora home with a new pink leash, her favorite alligator toy from her foster mom, and a warning that she had shown signs of leash aggression while at the shelter and would likely need some training.

At first, we were not sure if we had made the right choice. Cora was anxious at home, she didn’t want to sit close to us, and the leash aggression was serious. She was completely fine with other dogs off leash, but on leash she would lunge and bark at other dogs. It was challenging to walk her, other people were afraid of her, and it was embarrassing and stressful for me.

Kate and Cora at home

I knew this wasn’t a good situation for either of us. I had to do something to work on the leash issues. After lots of reading, I started carrying treats with me on walks to distract her when she saw other dogs. On hikes, I would warn people approaching that she might bark at their dog and that we were working on it. This got a better reaction and was less embarrassing for me.”

Kate and Cora working on training, and hiking

“I learned about a group called Dog Scouts of America where I could do activities with Cora in a safe, supportive environment. At Dog Scouts, I noticed that Cora would stare at dogs before barking, which helped me to predict (and prevent) her outbursts. She and I both gained a group of people we could trust and build relationships with. And slowly Cora began to trust me! Instead of immediately launching into attack mode, she would look to me when other dogs were approaching. I was so proud of her progress!

I had made my own progress too. I was a very shy person and did not like to talk to new people or go to new places alone. Working with Cora forced me to break that cycle, talk to people at Dog Scouts, and inspired me to go on new adventures because I was proud of Cora and excited to take her to new places. We went on a trip to Yosemite on a hike with big rocks, she followed me step by step. We were finally a team!”

Kate and Cora hiking in Yosemite National Park

“Throughout her progress Cora was always so sweet and gentle. In parks when we ran into kids, she would roll over on her back for them to pet (or even climb!) her. People would ask to pet her thick fur and she always stood patiently to be pet. She started coming over during the day to ask for hugs by climbing her upper half onto my lap. In Dog Scouts I had learned about the Pet Therapy group Love on a Leash and decided that now was the time – she was ready to be a therapy dog!

Cora quickly passed the behavior test required to join Love on a Leash. Because Cora likes kids so much, we decided that a kid’s reading program at the Mountain View Library would be a good first therapy visit. It went incredibly well – Cora behaved perfectly and I was so proud of her that I felt like I would explode!”

Cora working with children as a therapy dog with Love on a Leash

“Cora is going to be 12 years old next month and is now one of the “bomb proof” therapy dogs in the Silicon Valley chapter of Love on a Leash. She can handle anything. On some visits, people will behave erratically or loudly – but she just calmly looks at me when it’s stressful to check in, and I tell her it’s okay. She meets new dogs happily and knows we won’t stay if it is unsafe. We really are a team. We have monthly visits to Life Moves homeless shelters, read to kids at Santa Clara libraries, and visit a mental health crisis center in Morgan Hill and San Jose.”

Cora, a German Shepherd mix, was adopted from HSSV in 2013

“My life has entirely changed since adopting Cora. Joining Dog Scouts inspired me to join other meetup groups, where I met lots of new people and experienced new things, with and without Cora. Four years ago, I met my boyfriend at a Meetup event. When I asked if I could bring Cora on our first date, he responded with a heart eye emoji and he wholeheartedly adores Cora.

Through pet therapy I learned how to talk to all sorts of people, all ages, all different stages of life. Cora is the best icebreaker. About a year and a half ago, I decided to leave a job after almost ten years and confidently interview for new jobs. Eventually, I was hired for my dream job! This would not have happened without Cora.”

Kate’s pack from left to right: Oden, Xena and Cora

“Now we have Cora, a cattle dog (Oden), and a foster fail pit mix (Xena), who is the most loving silly girl. Our menagerie shows that the breed really doesn’t matter! All dogs have their own personalities and just need a loving home that can meet their needs to let them blossom! We love our pack! 🐾”

Beautiful Cora

“Adopting Cora marked a turning point in my life. She is the perfect dog and is worth every bit of effort I put into training her. We truly rescued each other. Thank you, HSSV!” – Kate

German Shepherd mixes and other large dogs like Cora often wait the longest to find new homes. Meet our adoptable German Shepherd dogs HERE.

5 Comments on “Kate and Cora Rescued Each Other”

  1. A very heart warming and inspiring story. You deserve a tremendous amount of credit for bringing out the best in Cora. You were smart in turning to the right groups for support and it’s wonderful to know that there are such groups out there to help people learn how to care for their companion animals. She and her pack mates are indeed lucky and of course, so are you!

  2. Thank you for all of the kind comments!

    My boyfriend is now my fiancé and I give Cora full credit for the wonderful changes she has brought to our lives!

    We love Cora more than we could ever adequately express!

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